Low Impact Graphic

How it works

How It Works.

Did you know that your digital habits leave a carbon footprint? Every year, the internet emits 1.7 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases. That means each of us is responsible for 414kg of CO2 annually. This sustainable website is 8.9 times smaller than a standard front page — built separately from fresh, clean code.

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The site will opt for green hosting whenever possible.

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Images will only be loaded when needed.

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Darker or neutral colours will reduce light emission from devices.

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The website will be built from scratch using a clean code instead of popular but bloated frameworks.

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Reduced power consumption by minimising page size, interactions and animations.

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Live data will be provided for users to understand the impact of their browsing behaviour.

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Data will be compressed to the greatest extent before being uploaded to the server.

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Data will be stored locally on devices, so users will only need to fully load the site on the first visit or after a cache is cleared.